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  • Back to School with a Difference

    Mon 28 Sep 2020 Hawthorns Class

    Great Horwood Church of England School

    Year 5/6 Hawthorns class

    Back to School with a difference!


    Hawthorn class are so pleased to be back in school after the challenges faced in the last academic year.

    We are all very excited to be back with our friends, some of whom we have not seen for over five months! However, there have been lots of changes in school and things are very different to how they were before lockdown. We are enjoying being able to spend time in our class bubble as this means that we get to play with our friends at break and lunch times. There is lots of different equipment that we have in our class tub to use at break time, but we also get to enjoy the two climbing frames that we have at school. The playground rota is taking a little bit of getting used to, remembering which playground we are on each week to ensure time for quarantining the climbing equipment.

    We are all working really hard to remember not to touch anything that is not our own and always washing and sanitising our hands. It has also been enjoyable having lunch together as a class either outside or in our classroom as all of the children are currently having packed lunches.

    Finally, we think that our new burgundy uniform looks fantastic and makes us feel much smarter when we are in school.

    We are looking forward to the year ahead and the learning and adventures this will bring!


    Hawthorns Class

  • Welcome Back to School

    Mon 21 Sep 2020 Hawthorns Class

    Hello from Great Horwood Church of England School


    Hawthorn class (Year 5 and 6) at Great Horwood CE School are so pleased to be back in school after the challenges faced in the last academic year.


    We are all very excited to be back with our friends, some of whom we have not seen for over five months! However, there have been lots of changes in school and things are very different to how they were before lockdown. We are enjoying being able to spend time in our class bubble as this means that we get to play with our friends at break and lunch times. There is lots of different equipment that we have in our class tub to use at break time, but we also get to enjoy the two climbing frames that we have at school. The playground rota is taking a little bit of getting used to, remembering which playground we are on each week to ensure time for quarantining the climbing equipment.


    We are all working really hard to remember not to touch anything that is not our own and always washing and sanitising our hands. It has also been enjoyable having lunch together as a class either outside or in our classroom as all of the children are currently having packed lunches.


    Finally, we think that our new burgundy uniform looks fantastic and makes us feel much smarter when we are in school.


    We are looking forward to the year ahead, and the learning and adventures this will bring!   If you are a prospective parent and would like to have a tour of the school we have some open mornings on Thursday’s that you can attend. We would love to show you around our amazing school. Please contact the office for more information.


    From Hawthorns Year 5/6 Great Horwood CE School

  • Did you buy a brick? Can you find yours?

    Sun 13 Sep 2020 Mrs P Shaw

    A huge thank you to Charlotte and Frazer Nash who live in the village for giving up their time during the summer holidays to tidy up our sundial and brick path. 

    Are you a past family from Great Horwood?

    Do you remember buying a brick to raise much needed funds for the school? 

    If you did you might like to see if you can find your brick.  We hope it will bring back many fond memories of your time at the school.

  • Poem by Maples Class

    Mon 07 Sep 2020 Mrs P Shaw

    Great Horwood School is very special to us

    Rabbit holes on the field

    Everyone has a great time

    A lot of amazing lesson are always taught

    Trees are in the conservation area


    Houses compete against each other in tournaments

    Our school is the best because we have chickens and fish

    Respect is one of our school values

    We have a great trim trail

    Our school is fun and friendly

    Our first topic we learnt about was the first airplane flight

    Division, multiplication, addition and subtraction are what we learn in Maths


    School is a place to learn and have fun

    Clouds come up above the school

    Hazel class are writing this poem

    Our teachers are very kind and helpful

    Our other school value is perseverance

    Love is our final school value
