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Great Horwood Church of England School Where children play, learn and grow together

SMSC and British Values

Great Horwood Church of England School 

SMSC – Woven through our curriculum 

Vision & Values 

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5 






  • Daily collective worship 

  • RE curriculum 

  • Celebrations of different religions and festivals 

  • Visits to places of worship 

  • Queens Park faith tour 

  • Visits, visitors and residential 

  • Links to St James Church 

  • Services: Harvest, Remembrance, Christmas, Candlemass, Lent, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, Leavers 

  • Bridgebuilder worship & prayer spaces day 

  • Reflection & Prayer spaces: Classroom, library, woodland, peace pagoda, reflection room 

  • Forest School 

  • Vision in Action School Council 



  • Connections with outside agencies: NSPCC, young carers MK Dons, Medical detection dogs, Homestead. 
  • Positive behaviour policy 

  • PSHE curriculum 

  • Character education 

  • British values curriculum 

  • Online E-safety 

  • Class Dojo system 

  • Values Wrist bands 

  • MAD School Council 

  • Eco Warriors School Council 

  • Sustainability: Green School 

  • Fundraising: Children in Need 

  • Breakfast club 

  • After School club 

  • Lunchtime clubs 

  • House events 

  • Forest School 

  • wellbeing Ambassadors 

  • Transition opportunities 

  • Dance & music opportunities to perform 

  • School and community council 

  • School trips and visits 

  • Residential 

  • Role models and inspirational visits and visitors 

  • Curriculum Enrichment days 

  • Theme days: World book day, Black History Month, traveller month, 

  • Local community events: Christmas Fayre, Mad March fun run 

  • Wider global learning 

  • School and local community events 



We promote spiritual development by: 

We promote moral development by: 

We promote social development by: 

We promote cultural development by: 


  • Connecting our own lives to the characters in the text 

  • English engages children with poetry, fiction and drama 

  • drama techniques deepen reflection on experience 

  • It invites and encourages children to explore feelings and values in a wide range of genres 

  • Encourages confidence and self- belief through drama, speaking and listening activities 

  • Use language, literature and drama to explore values, experience and identity 

  • English develops vocabulary and literary structures to express thoughts, emotions and arguments 

  • Discussion of moral dilemmas in a variety of genre texts 

  • Linking these moral dilemmas to their own life and how they choose what is right and wrong 

  • A range of texts provides opportunities to explore moral principles and issues and to raise questions about the ‘good life’ relating these to examples in own lives, others, and in the news and media 

  • Using verbal & written styles and structures for moral argument and persuasion 

  • opportunities for discussion and debate, both formal and informal 

  • Drama techniques help explore moral dilemmas and situations 

  • Exploring social attitudes towards language 

  • How written and spoken language has evolved over time 

  • Working in teams for speaking and listening activities 

  • Working in groups to generate ideas 

  • Peer to peer editing, idea sharing, and peer-assessment 

  • Explore how literature and non-fiction raise and discuss social issues and relationships 

  • Providing opportunities for developing and exploring personal values and qualities and respecting others 

  • exploring and challenging, through writing, oral work and drama, relationships and injustices 

  • Looking at stories, poems and non-fiction texts from around the world 

  • Using role play to explore the lives of characters from other cultures including language and accent 

  • Exploration of social class through spoken language and roles of characters in books 

  • Explore the impact of cultural diversity on language, literature and other media 

  • the power of language in narrative, poetry, theatre and media around the world to express meaning and values 

  • the use of drama formally and informally to explore social and cultural issues and diversity 


  • Children are engaged in deeper thinking with regards to problem solving 

  • Encourage pupils to be inspired by pattern and the universal language of maths as a way of understanding and describing the world (for example number patterns, concept of infinity, zero) 

  • Encouraging a sense of mystery, questioning and enquiry 

  • Maths encourages children to look at, discuss and evaluate a range of social and moral issues in the world 

  • Using cross curricular links with other subjects such as science, history and geography 

  • Understand the concept of ‘fair’ particularly through e.g. fractions use data to explore moral issues such as gaps between rich and poor, borrowing and saving 

  • A requirement for verbal reasoning 

  • Sharing resources and equipment 

  • Children can discuss their learning with their peers 

  • Apply data to social issues (e.g. diversity in UK)  

  • Working co-operatively in groups or teams on mathematical tasks and appreciate the contributions of others 

  • develop problem solving skills through creative thinking, discussion, giving explanation and presenting ideas 

  • the opportunity to self-assess and support others through peer- assessment 

  • Maths exposes the children to range of approaches to solving problems and reasoning skills 

  • Develop awareness of different cultural inputs to maths throughout the ages 

  • explore different number systems, currencies, measurement systems and methods of calculation 

  • explore mathematics applied in different cultures for example Rangoli patterns, Islamic geometric patterns, tessellations and symmetry 


  • Evolution and how Darwin’s theories rocked religion.  

  • Harvest Worship 

  • Easter/Spring celebrations & celebrating new life 

  • Creating awe and wonder across all age ranges through experiments and investigating 

  • Raising aspirations of children through giving them awareness of science careers 

  • Exploring the relationship between scientific method and personal belief and between science and religion 

  • consider what animates humans and how humans fit in with other animals and the natural world 

  • Children are encouraged to think about the impact of science on the world in many different ways 

  • Explore the question of moral responsibility in science, right and wrong uses of science 

  • Providing accurate scientific evidence and methodology for exploring moral issues: 

  • Is it right to test drugs on animals? 

  • Can we develop an eco-friendly fuel/packaging? 

  • How much energy do you use? 


  • reflecting on the interrelatedness of all life and the power humans have over and responsibility for the environment 

  • Developing skills for finding solutions working as a team 

  • Exploring diversity and bio-diversity in science  

  • Reflecting on and evaluating the process of scientific enquiry 

  •  recognising the need to consider the views of others when discussing ideas 

  • discussing and debating different view of science; 

  • Providing opportunities for collaborative enquiry 

  • Children are encouraged to look at prospects and how scientific skills will help them in everyday lives and the wider world 

  • Providing opportunities to explore scientific issues through visits 

  • to have the chance to experience scientific enquiry and discovery 

  •  to engage creatively with scientific ideas and concepts 


  • Learning about different spiritual beliefs around the world 

  • Learning about spiritual practices around the world 

  • Feeling confident to share our own spiritual beliefs 

  • Explore a range of religions and explore ways that people worship, celebrate events and show that they are part of a community 

  • Exploring questions of meaning, purpose and value and respond to different faith and belief responses 

  • Allowing pupils the opportunity to reflect on their own responses and how this might affect how they live;  

  • Exploring differing understandings of what it means to be a person 

  • Ask their own questions that help to make sense of their lives 

  • Opportunities to reflect upon own self beliefs and beliefs of others 

  • Discussions of what is right and wrong to different people 

  • Reflection time, use of a stimulus to provoke thoughts on morality e.g. a book, poetry, artwork 

  • Discussing the morality of different stories and why they are an important part of different religions and cultures 

  • Exploring different codes of behaviour in religions and belief-systems and responding sensitively and critically to these 

  • Appling these to classroom and school situations and to moral issues 

  • Considering why people do not keep to moral codes or the ‘good life’? 

  • Discussion with others about worldviews 

  • Sharing religious values, beliefs and practices 

  • Learning from people in the local area 

  • Children can learn about the world around them 

  • Opportunities to reflect on visions for society, how they affect personal and social relationships 

  • Working collaboratively to explore and discuss sensitive social and moral issues 

  • Learning about diverse cultural beliefs, religions, worldviews and practises 

  • Learning about practices and ways of life across the world 

  • Trying food from different cultures 

  • Visiting different places of worship 

  • Using visits and visitors to experience diverse cultures, faiths and diversity within religions 

  • Exploring similarities and differences within and between faiths and cultures 

  • Understanding the importance of art, music, drama and language to express beliefs, feelings and experiences within different cultural backgrounds 


  • Expressing theri feelings through media 

  • Exploring how art makes them feel and why 

  • Creating art in the style of other artists 

  • Exploring creativity as part of what animates and defines us 

  • Developing an awareness of the power of art to express and reflect on their own thoughts and feelings 

  • Explore ideas, feelings and meaning in works of art and express themselves through their own work 

  • Exploring the creative process as part of our expression of identity and recognising their own creativity 

  • Debating what is and is not art Why do the children think that? 

  • Using art to discuss real life moral dilemmas 

  • Exploring how art can express choices, consequences and responsibility 

  • Considering moral issues in their art, considering the effect of designs on the environment and quality of life 

  • Children to discuss and share their personal opinions about artwork 

  • Children work in groups or teams to create a collective piece of work 

  • Children generate ideas together 

  • Discuss what art might be trying to explain to us with regards to social issues now and in the past 

  • Developing respect for the ideas and opinions of others; recognising the need to consider the views of others when discussing ideas 

  • Considering the social impact of art and design on quality of life through, for example, graffiti and architecture 

  • Looking at and exploring art and artists from different countries and cultures 

  • Comparing what can be seen in art pieces from around the world and discuss the issues that would make them different 

  • Understanding the ideas behind art and design in differing cultural contexts 

  • Considering how different cultural values both influence and are expressed by the arts and design 

  • Reflect on the contribution of differing cultures to design solutions 


  • How can technology bring rapid benefits to discussions and tolerance of pupil’s beliefs? 

  • Children are exposed to the limitations and the abuse of the internet where they question and justify aims, values and principles of their own and other’s belief systems. 

  • Exploring what influence computers, the internet and technologies have on values and people 

  • Using the internet to explore big questions about beliefs, values and emotions 

  • Considering the positive use and limitations of logical reasoning in computing and life (e.g. can computers be like humans? Can logic answer all problems?) 

  • Looking at how developments of technology have had an impact on the environment as technology has meant that old ways of working have been changed to help the environment 

  • Using technologies to explore and gather evidence for moral issues and arguments; what do pupils consider to be good and bad uses of computers and communications technologies? 


  • Completing group work including practical activities with other children. 

  • To explore and understand social media and the advantages that these sites can bring as well as the problems that can arise including cyber bullying. 

  • Using technologies to research social issues such as relationships, diversity, inequalities 

  • Considering the impact of technologies, the internet and social media on relationships within families and between friends. 

  • Exploring how technology has impacted some cultures and countries differently to others 

  • Studying how more developed countries have kept up with the pace of technology whereas less developed countries haven’t 

  • Children to explore the factors affecting this 

  • Discuss how information about communities and cultures are presented on the internet 

  • Using technologies to explore cultural activities and diversity 

  • Asking questions about the impact of technologies (e.g. gaming, social media) on people’s choices of and participation in cultural activities? 

Design Technology 

  • Creative thinking and innovation encourages the children to discover new talents 

  • Builds self-confidence and belief in their own abilities 

  • Encourages the use of creative instincts 

  • Exploring the creative process as part of our expression of identity and recognise their own creativity in finding solutions to problems in design and technology 

  • Moral dilemmas discussed with the creation of new products and new technology 

  • What is the impact on the environment with the new product that is being made? 

  • Consider environmental issues and impact 

  • Consider the effect of designs on the environment and quality of life 

  • Health and safety of yourself and others with tools and instruments 

  • Encourage group and team efforts; sharing ideas and compromising 

  • Peer evaluation on products made 

  • Developing respect for the ideas and opinions of others. 

  • Industrial routes- what has already been made, other products currently on the market 

  • What similar products are available in other countries- why are they different? 

  • Reflecting on the contribution of differing cultures to design solutions 


  • Exploring new language and vocabulary. Awe and wonder 

  • Children are encouraged to express themselves in the target language 

  • Providing opportunities through language development, to explore self-understanding and self-expression (e.g. personal qualities, likes and dislikes, emotions) 

  • Reflecting on experience of and in the country of origin and how this inspires learners 

  • Acceptance of other people’s language and culture 

  • Children are encouraged to explore, discuss and evaluate the moral dilemmas in other countries/cultures 

  • Use moral issues, dilemmas & scenarios as a means of developing linguistic skills (e.g. through asking questions, describing situations) 

  • Encouraging a collaborative approach to learning 

  • Children are encouraged to hold conversations in the target language 

  • Explore the social relationships through language acquisition 

  • Providing opportunities for varied group work, research and peer learning 

  • Exposing children to a foreign language and culture 

  • Promote internationalism and their place and role in the world 

  • Explore similarities and differences between the cultures of the languages being studied and the pupils’ own cultural background 


  • Promotes a sense of wonder and fascination with human and physical aspects of the world 

  • Creating an understanding of scale- how small changes in climate can have far reaching consequences 

  • Understand that all life is linked and creates the processes that make Earth the only habitable planet 

  • Developing a sense of awareness of the importance of the environment in shaping our humanity and how our physical surroundings influence how we develop as people and communities 

  • Encourage a sense of curiosity in their surroundings through engaging activities and contexts (e.g. trips and visits; local studies; use of technologies) 

  • Exploring and discussing a range of Geographical moral dilemmas 

  • How the development of cities has affected wildlife 

  • How different countries tackle an ever-increasing population 

  • Poverty  

  • Environmental issues surrounding importing goods from other countries 

  • Consider the impact (positive and negative) of human activity on the environment and the moral issues that arise out of this 

  • Raising questions about the extent of human responsibility for the environment 

  • Exploring issues such as Fair Trade, deforestation 

  • Social issues are common themes within Geography 

  • It is important for the children to work together and out of school to help tackle the issues raised such as pollution, global warming 

  • Investigating how changes in the local area affect different groups of people such as the elderly and children 

  • Considering the social aspects of population movement and how different groups relate to each other 

  • Exploring the impact that the geography of an area can have on social structures and relationships 

  • How can different cultures and beliefs have an impact on the environment and human issues? 

  • Children study different places around the world and are introduced to their culture and customs. 

  • Children develop their humility and begin to understand that the world is a global community 

  • Exploring their own cultural values in relation to both human and physical geography 

  • Find out about a range of diverse cultures, and reflect accurately upon the culture and beliefs of people in the geographical area being studied 

  • Being presented with a range of images reflecting culture and diversity both in the UK and abroad 


  • Ability to be reflective about their own beliefs, religious or otherwise and use this to create and choose music 

  • Sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them 

  • Use of imagination and creativity in their learning 

  • Willingness to reflect on their experiences 

  • Developing an awareness of the power of music and use to express and reflect on their own thoughts and feeling 

  • Exploring ideas, feelings and meaning in works of music and to express themselves through their own work 

  • Ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong- lyrics and music and the theory behind the music or song 

  • Interest in investigating and offering reasoned views about moral and ethical issues in music and being able to understand and appreciate the viewpoints of others on these issues 

  • Exploring how music can express choices, consequences and responsibility 

  • Using a range of social skills in different contexts, including working and socialising with people from different religious, ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds 

  • Develop respect for the ideas and opinions of others and work collaboratively on music projects 

  • Recognising the need to consider the views of others music-making to develop a sense of social cohesion 

  • consider the social impact of music on the quality of life 

  • Looking at and exploring music, songs, composers and artists from different countries and cultures 

  • Comparing what can be heard and interpreted from music and lyrics from around the world and discuss the issues that would make them different 

  • Understanding the ideas behind art and design in differing cultural contexts 

  • Considering how different cultural values both influence and are expressed by music 

  • Recognising how music influences and reflects the way people think and feel 


  • Encourages a sense of curiosity and mystery of how and why events happened 

  • What would be different now if things had happened differently? 

  • Pupils are encouraged to explore the role played by important individuals, for good or ill, in the shaping of the world we live in 

  • Pupils reflect on different interpretations of the past and how they have been arrived at 

  • Appreciate the achievements of past societies and the motivation of individuals in history 

  • Reflecting on the values of different societies in different times and how they compare with modern values 

  • Identifying what makes certain historical people and events significant 

  • Consider and comment on moral dilemmas and questions 

  • Is what happened in the past acceptable today? If not, why not? 

  • Encouraged to show compassion for people facing dilemmas and empathise with their decisions 

  • Notations of right and wrong are explored around events that happened in the past 

  • Consider issues of moral significance in history from different perspectives  

  • Recognise that actions have consequences and consider the results of events and decisions in history 

  • Projecting into the future the potential consequences of our actions now 

  • Explore the similarities and differences between past and present societies.  

  • Explore why we are fortunate to live in the modern world.  

  • How did other cultures have an impact on what we know to Britain today? 

  • Collaborative and teamwork in activities.  

  • Consider different historical social structures and codes and the impact they had on the lives of different communities 

  • Consider what we can learn from this about building a ‘better’ world 

  • Raising questions about what we can/should learn from history and how this might affect communities? 

  • Encouraged to gain an understanding of and empathise with people from different cultural backgrounds 

  • Pupils develop a better understanding of our multicultural society through studying links between local, British, European and World history 

  • Recognising differences and similarities between and within cultures over time 

  • Recognising the contributions that different cultures have made towards creating modern Britain 


  • Understand how to overcome challenges with determination and perseverance 

  • Explain how confidence can affect performance 

  • Identify ways of dealing with stress using physical activity 

  • Recommend suitable activities for healthy lifestyle for different ages. 

  • Identify areas they are confident in 

  • Understand that being healthy incorporates body, mind and lifestyle 

  • Being gracious in success as well as defeat 

  • Participating in sports day 

  • Making links between balanced lifestyle and being happy 

  • Understanding a variety of tactics and strategies for different activities 

  • Inspiring pupils to participate and stretch themselves 

  • Developing the spirit of sport 

  • Reflecting on what inspires great sports people 

  • Gaining a sense of achievement and develop positive attitudes towards themselves 

  • The pursuit of excellence and team spirit 

  • Understanding the difference between fair/unfair 

  • Begin to set goals and identify if their targets have been met. 

  • Offer suggestions on how to offset negative mood 

  • Offering solutions to problems 

  • Explore and develop a sense of fair play and the importance of rules; is it ever right to cheat? 


  • Identify the importance of having friends and know what characteristics make a good friend 

  • Listen to advice on how to improve skills from peers and teachers 

  • Share own views and listen to and consider views/opinions of others 

  • Work effectively with a partner/small group/team 

  • Participate in competitive activities 

  • Recognise own roles and responsibilities within a team 

  • Evaluate performances of self and others looking for areas of strength and weakness 

  • Developing cooperation and collaboration, responsibility, personal commitment, loyalty and teamwork 

  • The importance of participation in physical activity in the community; 

  • The role sport can play in providing people with social contact, positive activity and group identity (e.g. school teams) 

  • Understanding the Olympics for different cultures and traditions 

  • Take part in traditional games/activities of different cultures 

  • Discuss the health of people from different countries & regions 

  • Experiencing the significance of dance and games from other cultures 

  • Considering how sport can transcend cultural boundaries 

  • Providing opportunities for pupils to experience a range of sports as participants or observers 





British Values 

  • Engage children with a range of mindfulness activities 

  • Children explore a range of feelings and values across a range of situations and scenarios through role play, story-telling and discussions 

  • Exploring core values and beliefs about how we should live together 

  • Reflecting on experience and the emotions that arise from experience  

  • Developing the ability to reflect on personal and group identity and self – concept/worth 

  • Considering the significance of choices, consequences and responsibilities in their own lives 

  • Children are encouraged to look at, discuss and evaluate a range of moral issues based on different case studies and scenarios 

  • Children discuss what is right and wrong and connect this to the British Value; Rule of Law 

  • Explore and reflect on codes of behaviour in and beyond school 

  • Reflecting on experiences, choices and consequences; consider a range of moral issues and different views about them 

  • Providing the children with an environment in which they can share their views and feel safe 

  • Children are encouraged to listen to and value the beliefs and opinions of others 

  • Acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs 

  • The pupils develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain 

  • Exploring and reflecting on social values (e.g. respect, equality, collaboration) and relationships and how they shape our identity 

  • Considering the importance of personal and communal relationships and how we can make these positive in school and society 

  • Develop group working skills, attitudes and values 

  • Children are exposed to wide range of experiences and situations and they can be explored from other people’s points of view 

  • Explore issues of diversity and shared human values and the ways these are shaped by cultural diversity; promote positive images of different groups and combating stereotyping and prejudice 


  • Learning and understanding physical development at appropriate stages 

  • Understanding human sexuality, reproduction, emotions and relationships 

  • Learning the importance of values and individual conscience and moral considerations 

  • Learning the value of family life, marriage, and stable and loving relationships for the nurture of children 

  • Learning the value of respect, love and care 

  • Exploring, considering and understanding moral dilemmas 

  • Developing critical thinking as part of decision-making 

  • Learning to manage emotions and relationships confidently and sensitively 

  • Developing self-respect and empathy for others 

  • Learning to make choices based on an understanding of difference and with an absence of prejudice 

  • Developing an appreciation of the consequences of choices made 

  • Managing conflict and learning how to recognise and avoid exploitation and abuse 

  • Exploring, improving understanding of and showing respect for different faiths and cultural diversity- this may arise where pupils from other cultures may have opposing views to that of what is being taught 

Outdoor Learning 

  • Encourage, inspire and build upon independence, self-esteem and confidence through hands on learning experiences 

  • Creating awe and wonder for all age groups in a new setting or environment 

  • Creates respect and love for the environment 

  • Right and wrong- following safety rules in the outdoor environment 

  • Creates respect and love for the environment 

  • Working in teams or groups to problem solve 

  • Working in teams or groups to explore and learn about new ideas 

  • Work on developing team- building skills 

  • Embracing an ethos that is new and unfamiliar to them 

Promoting British Values at Great Horwood Church of England School 


“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."  John 15:5  



The British Values are a set of fundamental values developed by the UK Government to create social unity and prevent extremism.

The values are: 


  • democracy;  

  • the rule of law;  

  • individual liberty;  

  • mutual respect for and  

  • tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith. 


At Great Horwood Church of England we believe that these values are also represented within our Vision and core Christian values of Love, Perseverance and Respect.  


We promote and explicitly teach the British Values through our


  • Connections curriculum (at least 1 lesson per half term); 

  • Collective worship and spirituality;  

  • Character Education; 

  • Enrichment Curriculum and outdoor learning. 




How we promote it 



Links to school core values: 



Character Education: 






  • We have 4 elected school councils who regularly meet every half term.  Each class elect representatives, mirroring the electoral process.  We ensure a strong diverse group of pupils in each council as well as being fully inclusive.  

  • Each council has a different focus and play an instrumental role in the daily life of the school such as: leading in worship, meeting with new parents, interviewing new staff members, and fundraising for charities. 

  • Children’s opinions are listened to; for example, in class discussions, class councils raise issues which are then brought to full school council meetings and pupils are empowered to advocate for change. 

  • Children are involved in key decisions about aspects of school life such as organising charity fund-raising, running extra-curricular clubs, deciding on rewards for their Houses and classes, and supporting internet safety day to promote anti cyberbullying and anti-bullying. 

  • The school council representatives have a termly audience with the headteacher or a governor who discuss their actions and impact with them, thus empowering them to bring about positive change.  

  • Minutes are taken at each meeting as a record of change and successes. 

  • Each term the 4 school councils write an update SWAY newsletter to inform the whole school community about their actions.  

  • Democracy is promoted through the curriculum, for example, in PSHE lessons, Character Education and class debates. We have used the ‘Parliament Box’ to teach our pupils about Democracy.  

  • Pupils are regularly asked for their views through the annual pupil survey and the worship questionnaire.  The results are fed back to them and then decisions made based on it. For example, pupils voted for the names of our current Houses and their colours. 

  • The beginnings of democracy are taught through historical research relating to the civilisation of Ancient Greece. 


Key Christian text:

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self control. 2 Timothy 1:7 

 Remember that everybody is different, yet equal. 

The rule of law 


Links to school values:  



Character Education 



  • We have high standards of behaviour across the school and promote good behaviour by recognising individual examples as well as groups though our positive behaviour reward schemes. 

  • We use class dojo for class and individual rewards. A range of certificates are awarded to individuals for individual positive learning behaviours. 

  • We have a clear behaviour policy which outlines how poor behaviour is dealt with.  This is adhered to by all staff in a fair manner, and children know what to expect. 

  • Our behaviour policy is reviewed at least annually and is published on the school website. 

  • Our behaviour expectations are based on the Christian values of Love, perseverance, and respect. 

  • We have no whole school rules as we believe that if we are following our school core values and we are following the rules of law. 

  • Pupils are taught about the British rule of law in RE, humanities and PSHE. Where relevant this value will be referred to in collective worship to support pupils understanding of why laws and rules exist. 


Key Christian text:  

The Ten Commandments.  Exodus 20 

Be polite, honest, and trustworthy; take care of the school environment and its equipment. 

Individual liberty 


Links to school values:  





Character Education 







  • Through our school values and aims, and through teaching across the curriculum, children are taught about personal responsibility, the courage to stand up for what is right, resilience and aspiration.  

  • Curriculum topic related to ‘healthy you and me’ or It’s good to be me refer to individual liberty. 

  • Courage and Justice are Christian Values that are planned for regularly in our Whole School, Key Stage and Class Worship. 

  • Pupils discuss topical current affairs as they arise, either as part of class worship or PSHCE curriculum time. 

  • Pupils raise money for charities like the Comic Relief, Christian Aid and NSPCC which stand up for the rights of children. 

  • Independent learning is fostered and respected. 

  • Children are taught how to keep themselves safe, including online.  

  • Bullying is not tolerated, and we have a robust Anti-Bullying policy. This also includes an anti-cyber bullying section. 

  • Pupils are encouraged to discuss and debate, expressing their opinions and respecting the rights of others to differing points of view. 


Key Christian text: 

If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.  John 8:31/32 

Work hard and give your best; Behave well and take responsibility for your actions. 

Mutual respect 


Links to school values:  





Character Education:




  • We provide as many opportunities as possible for the children to work together with children from different year groups e.g. walking to the church, partnering younger children at the Christmas Fair, older children helping the younger children at lunchtime, years groups are partnered to help support reading. 

  • We celebrate diversity e.g. Inviting families from other faiths and cultures to talk to classes about their customs. We especially celebrate our similarities and differences to the way we live, with our traveller children, Ukrainian refugees, pupils with SEND or EAL. 

  • Pupils are encouraged to see everybody in the school as unique. 

  • Respect is one of our core Christian school values and we spend at least half a term each year focusing on respect in collective worship and enrichment curriculum. 

  • Staff are good role models by treating others as equals. 

  • We all learn to listen to each other valuing their ideas, thoughts and opinions. 


Key Christian text:

So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them.  Matthew 7:12 

Key Christian text:  treat others just as you want to be treated. Luke 6.31 

Be kind and Helpful, care for and respect other people, their property, and their efforts. 

Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs 


Links to school values:  




Character Education:  






  • We have a strong equal opportunities policy and celebrate diversity (eg. Inviting families from other faiths and cultures to talk to classes about their customs). 

  • Our RE programme is based on the Bucks Agreed Syllabus/ODBE scheme of work and encourages study of a variety of world faiths, beliefs and views. 

  • Children from a range of different faiths are invited to share their faith, culture and beliefs in collective worship and as part of the RE teaching about different world faiths. 

  • We aim that each class will visit a place of worship every year and will include places of worship from religions other than Christianity. 

  • We celebrate a range of world faith festivals including Passover, Diwali, Hanukkah, Eid and Ramadan.  

  • Our links with the local church and community are strong. All members of the school and village community are invited into school to share and celebrate a range of events both in school and at St James Church.  These have included our Harvest Festival, Remembrance Day, Advent, Easter and Curriculum sharing for each class. 


Key Christian text:

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.  John 13:34 

Care for and respect other people, their property and their efforts; Remember that everybody is different, yet equal. 



SMSC Curriculum Mapping at Great Horwood CE School

Promoting British Values at Great Horwood Church of England School
