Daily Uniform Expectations
Burgundy jumper/cardigan with GHS school logo on it.
Grey trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore dress.
Blue & white checked gingham summer dresses.
White shirt/blouse or polo shirt.
White, grey or black socks or tights.
Black school shoes.
Jewellery should not be worn at school- stud earrings can be worn but must be removed on PE days.
One single watch can be worn.
Long hair to be tied back.
Hair accessories should be plain and in line with school colours of navy or burgundy.
No nail varnish to be worn.
PE Uniform Expectations:
Blue sports polo shirt with GHS logo.
Shadow stripe navy shorts.
Black plimsolls.
Black trainers.
Navy tracksuit for colder months.
White, grey or black socks.
All jewellery including single studded earrings and watches must be removed.
What your child must bring to school on a daily basis:
Named water bottle containing tap water or flavoured water.
Piece of fruit/ yoghurt for snack time (we do provide this in school)
Named coat/ waterproof jacket (weather dependent)
Named lunch box (if not school lunches)
Change of shoes for wet days- trainers or preferably wellie boots (these can stay in school)
PE kit on allocated PE days- recommend to bring on a Monday and take home on a Friday if you would like it to be washed or half termly (please could this be in a drawstring bag due to lack of storage)
All personal items MUST be named!
Uniform can be ordered on the following link: