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Great Horwood Church of England School Where children play, learn and grow together

Upcoming Events and Diary Dates

Upcoming Events at Great Horwood School


Please note: any changes or additions that have been made since the last update are in red.

Last updated 25th November 2024



Tuesday - Talk to the teacher  3.15-3.45pm. These take place in classrooms. An informal opportunity to chat to your child's class teacher.

Tuesday - Library open for parents and children together 3.15-3.45pm. The school library will be open weekly on a Tuesday for parents and children to come into school and read together or change library books. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Please ensure you sign out any books that you borrow. We ask that this be a maximum of 2 books.


Weekly Enrichment Clubs 3.15-4.30pm


Monday: Football Years 1-6

Tuesday: Musical Theatre Years 1-6

Tuesday: Forest School Conkers class

Wednesday: Art and Crafts Years 1-6

Thursday: Dance Years 1-6

Friday: Construction Makers Years R-6


Weekly Lunchtime clubs 12.30-1.10pm


Monday Football  12.30-1.10pm Years 1-6

Monday Year 5 & 6 Sports Ambassadors are teaching the younger children the new rugby games

Tuesday - Choir 12.30-1.00pm

Tuesday - Prayer Club - 1.00-1.15pm All year groups 

Thursday - Recorder and Xylophone club 12.30-1.00pm (years 3-4)

Friday  Skip2Bfit - 12.30-1.10pm All year groups



If you are receipt of pupil premium you can choose to join one club free of charge. Please email Mrs Frankum in the school office to let her know which club you would like to join.

Please book Early birds and Night owls wrap around care as usual.





28th November: Open morning for prospective parents. 9.30-11.30am. No appointment necessary. Please pass these details onto anyone you think might be interested.

29th November: PTFA Christmas Fete 2.30-4.30pm (More details to follow)




2nd December: The Christmas post box will be in school for posting Christmas cards to friends. It will be emptied on a Wednesday and Friday lunchtime. Please ensure surname and class are on the card where possible to make it easier for the children to sort.

5th December: Bridgebuilder will be leading today's worship. The theme is Fear Not!

6th December: Christmas Jumper day. Replace your school uniform jumper/cardigan with a Christmas jumper! All other uniform items as usual. Please no jewellery or make-up

6th December: Dressing of the Tree service 2.15pm in school - All are welcome to this event.

We ask that every child and adult makes a homemade decoration to put on the tree. Please bring them with you when you come to the service. (For adults we do have a few spare tree decorations if you don't get the chance to make one, so please don't worry!)

6th December: Book Fayre (more details to follow)

10th December: 2.15pm: EYFS and KS1 Nativity. Tickets cost £3 and includes refreshments. Booking will be available shortly. Max 4 tickets per family initially. Please email Mrs Frankum if you need more than 4 and she will put you on a reserve list.

11th December: 6.00pm Christmas Concert. This will now be in school. We do ask that all children from year 1 upwards return to school in the evening. EYFS children are also very welcome to join us but this is at parents discretion as we know they could be very tired by then. Refreshments will be available Tea/Coffee/Squash/Homemade mince pies/biscuits £1

12th December Hot Meal Christmas Dinner. Please order the main or veggie option for this day as usual for the hot Christmas dinner. If you select the packed lunch or jacket potato option this will NOT be the Christmas dinner.

12th December: 2.15pm: EYFS and KS1 Nativity. Tickets cost £3 and include refreshments. Booking will be available shortly. Max 4 tickets per family initially. Please email Mrs Frankum if you need more than 4 and she will put you on a reserve list.

13th December: PTFA Santa's Grotto - You should have by now received the consent forms for the Christmas Grotto, please can we ask that when you return your consent form that you include the cash payment in a named envelope

16th December PTFA Elfridges Christmas Shopping - (more details to follow)

18th December: 2.15pm Carol Service at St James Church - all are welcome to join us. All children will return to school afterwards to collect belongings and teachers will dismiss from the front playground.

19th December: Christmas Party Day with Christmas Packed lunch. Children may wear their party clothes to school but please NO Jewellery and wear usual school shoes for safety. Please send your child in with a extra festive treat for lunchtime.

20th December: School closes to pupils at 1.30pm. There are NO after school clubs on this day.



January 2025



6th January 2025 INSET day

7th January School opens to all pupils at 8.35am

7th January Hawthorns Class - Forest School - please ensure you have wellies and outdoor clothes in school

23rd January PTFA Panto in School



17th-21st Half Term Holiday

27th Bridgebuilder worship - Free to move on



3rd-14th March Maples Class 2 week Swimming course (Daily swimming)

20th March Bridgebuilder Worship - We are transformers

20th March - Parent Consultations 3.30-7.00pm More details to follow.



2nd May 2025 INSET day

6th June 2025 INSET day

More dates will follow as we plan the rest of the year.


