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Great Horwood Church of England School Where children play, learn and grow together

Upcoming Events and Diary Dates

Upcoming Events at Great Horwood School


Please note: any changes or additions that have been made since the last update are in red.

Last updated 15th July 2024


July 2024


16th July - EYFS Teddy Bears Picnic

Nursery and Reception will be having their annual Teddy Bears Picnic. Please send your child in with a teddy for the day as the children will be making dens for their bears. We are also going to be joined by the reception class from Thornborough infant school. They will be going into the woodland area and looking for many bears! (School uniform and hot meals will be as usual)


17th July - School Music Concert

School Music Performance for the whole School from the Buckinghamshire Music Hub. As part of the concert the children will be learning a song that they can perform accompanied by the musicians.


18th July Year 6 leavers assembly 10.00-11.00am

Year 6 parents and carers are welcome to join us as we celebrate the Year 6 leavers and their time at Great Horwood School.


18th July - Please note this event has changed from the 19th to the 18th!

Voting event from the Polling day on 4th July. The ballot paper included the following activities:

  • Wear one colour per class Day
  • Dance Off Disco
  • Happy Day (no lessons afternoon)
  • Change Your Teacher Day
  • Movie with popcorn
  • Afternoon at the Great Horwood Park
  • Bring a game or toy to school day
  • Mufti Day
  • Outdoor Activities Day
  • Turn your class into something day

AND THE WINNER WAS: Afternoon at the Great Horwood Park




Children can come to school dressed for a wedding. They are allowed to wear makeup and nail varnish for this day only! For safety reasons please wear sensible safe shoes and no jewellery or acrylic nails.


22nd July End of year service St James Church 9.15am 

You are all very welcome to join us for our end of year service as we come to the end of anther busy school year.


22nd July 2.00pm water splash afternoon

Children may bring in a water soaker for this event. You may also want to send then in with a spare pair of shorts and T shirt and a towel. Please be prepared that your children may come home wet. 


23rd July school closes at 1.30pm No After school club.

School transport will collect the children at 1.30pm on this day. 


September 2024


3rd September INSET day - School closed to pupils


4th School opens at 8.35am lessons start prompt at 8.45am (Complimentary Tea's and Coffee's being served by the PTFA.)



10th September Secondary transfer practice test (11+) for Year 6 pupils

12th September Secondary transfer test (11+) for Year 6 pupils


17th September - Whole School trip to the Science Discovery Centre Oxford -

Cost of this trip is £13.00 per child and at the very latest needs to be paid by 1st September 2024. A big 'Thank you' to the PTFA for funding the coaches otherwise the trip would of cost £24.00. the children will need to wear their school uniform and have both a packed lunch and water bottle.


21st September - Saturday morning 10.00am-12.00pm Helping Hands Morning


26th September - 1.30pm Grand Opening of the 'Seeds of Hope' Project. 

Please RSVP to Mrs Frankum in the school office.



27th September INSET day - School closed to pupils


6th January 2025 INSET day

2nd May 2025 INSET day

6th June 2025 INSET day
