Daily Uniform Expectations
- Burgundy jumper/cardigan with GHS school logo on it
- Grey trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore dress
- Blue and white checked gingham summer dresses
- White shirt/blouse or polo shirt
- White, grey or black socks or tights
- Black school shoes
- Jewellery should not be worn at school. Stud earrings can be worn but must be removed on PE Days
- One single watch can be worn
- Long hair to be tied back every day
- Hair accessories should be plain and in line with school colours of navy or burgundy
- No nail varnish to be worn
PE Uniform Expectations
- Blue sports polo shirt with GHS logo
- Shadow stripe navy shorts
- Black plimsolls
- Black trainers
- Navy tracksuit for colder months
- White, grey or black socks
- All jewellery including single studded earrings and watches must be removed
All personal items MUST be named so that they can be returned. We do not have a lost property at Great Horwood School.
Uniform can be ordered on the following link:
Great Horwood Church of England School - My Clothing