Events and Diary Dates
Upcoming Events at Great Horwood School
Please note: any changes or additions that have been made since the last update are in bold.
Last updated 5th February 2025
Please find below all the information you need regarding the events in school. We also send parents the SWAY weekly newsletter with all events listed on a Monday or Tuesday.
Weekly Enrichment Clubs 3.15-4.30pm for the Spring term -
Monday: Dodge ball and bench ball (Years 1-6) with S4A
Tuesday: Jabadaeo (Years N-6)
Wednesday: Be Creative club - incorporating art and crafts - (Years R-6)
Thursday: Dance Club (Years 1-6)
Friday: Construction club and TTRS - part of Night Owls after school club (Years N-6)
If you are receipt of pupil premium you can choose to join one club free of charge. Please email Mrs Frankum in the school office to let her know which club you would like to join.
Please book Early birds and Night owls wrap around care as usual.
Tuesday - Library open for parents and children together 3.15-3.45pm. The school library will be open weekly on a Tuesday for parents and children to come into school and read together or change library books. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Please ensure you sign out any books that you borrow. We ask that this be a maximum of 2 books.
Forest School Sessions: Spring Term
Monday: Forest School PM (Seedlings and Acorns)
Tuesday: Forest School PM (Hawthorns Class) - please ensure that children in Hawthorns class have the correct equipment and warm clothing.
Weekly Lunchtime clubs 12.30-1.10pm
Monday Football 12.30-1.10pm Years 1-6
Tuesday - Choir 12.30-1.00pm
Wednesday - Year 5 & 6 Sports Ambassadors are teaching the younger children the new rugby games
Thursday - Recorder and/or Xylophone club 12.30-1.00pm (years 3-4 initially)
Friday Skip2Bfit - 12.30-1.10pm All year groups
11th February KS2 Inter -schools football tournament AM hosted by Great Horwood School
17th-21st Half Term Holiday
27th Bridgebuilder Worship - Free to move on
3rd-14th March Maples Class 2 week Swimming course (Daily swimming)
5th March Ash Wednesday Service - Please note that due to other events that are clashing with this service we have taken the decision to hold a lent service in school on a Wednesday when the vicar can lead this worship. As soon as we have a new date I will let you know.
6th March World Book Day - we will be asking children to wear their pyjama's/dressing gowns/onesie's etc. Further information to follow.
20th and 21st March Spring Dance Festival (Spring Dance company) Year 1-6
21st March 2.30pm Parents/carers are invited to watch all the children perform 'Easter Experience' as led by the Spring dance company.
Date TBC Bridgebuilder Worship - We are transformers
23rd March PTFA Fun Run (further details to follow)
26th March Spring Concert with a Mothers and Carers theme 2.15pm in school. All parents, carers and grandparents are invited.
1st April KS1 Inter-schools Athletics tournament at Great Horwood School
2nd April Parent consultations 2.00-6.00pm. Appointments are now 'Live' via Bromcom, please book as quickly as possible as they get booked up quite quickly.
3rd April Easter Service 9.15am St James Church
20th May AM - year 5 Science festival at The Royal Latin School. Further details to follow. We ask that parents take and collect their child from The Royal Latin School.
20th May AM - KS2 inter schools netball tournament
More dates will follow as we plan 2025!
2nd May 2025 INSET day
6th June 2025 INSET day