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Home-School Agreement

Great Horwood Church of England School

Home-School Partnership Agreement 

‘I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.’ John 15:5

Our core values: 


We believe that a close partnership between the school, parents and the child is essential to support and live out our vision and values. Therefore, we ask all parents to sign up to our home-school partnership agreement when they join Great Horwood School. 

We will work together with every child and every child’s parents and carers to: 
I will always try my best to: 
I/We will work in partnership with my child’s teachers to: 
  • Provide a secure, happy and stimulating learning environment where our vision and values lead our way. 
  • Come to school every day and be on time – unless I am very poorly. 
  • Recognise and encourage my child’s achievements. 
  • Provide a curriculum which challenges your child to reach their potential, builds resilience and prepares them for the next stages of their education. 
  • Wear my full school uniform and PE uniform with pride, remembering that I always represent the school. 
  • Treat all staff, governors and the wider school community, including our neighbours, with respect. 
  • Encourage your child to show love and respect for others and to follow the school behaviour policy, ensuring a safe, caring environment for all. 
  • Show LOVE by making the right choices, appreciate and be thankful, reflect on my actions and the world around me and engage in my learning and opportunities. 
  • Ensure that my child attends school regularly and on time (8:35 - 8:45am). I will notify the school office before 9.00am in case of absence, stating the reasons for it. 
  • Set high expectations for behaviour and develop a sense of responsibility in every child. 
  • Show PERSEVERANCE and resilience by working hard and being independent in my learning.
  • Arrange for the prompt collection of my child at the end of the school day or from after school clubs. 
  • Provide you with a written report once a year and opportunities for you to see your child’s learning and discuss their progress with the teachers. 
  • Be RESPECTFUL towards others and behave in a safe and responsible way.
  • Ensure my child wears correct school uniform in line with the school’s uniform policy and that they are properly equipped for the school day. 
  • Contact you if we are concerned about your child’s health, learning, behaviour, attendance, or punctuality. 
  • Do all class work and home learning as well as I can, asking questions when I do not understand. 
  • Support all school’s policies including those on attendance, learning, behaviour and uniform.
  • Provide age-appropriate home-learning opportunities that support the school curriculum.  
  • To keep myself safe in school and out. To use the Internet safely; as I have been taught in class. 
  • Keep school informed of how to contact me/us in case of emergency.
  • Communicate information and events clearly using the school website, SWAY newsletters and ‘My child at School’.
  • Act with integrity; being honest, polite and thankful. 
  • Arrange my/our holidays outside of term time. 
  • Arrange for routine doctors and dentist appointments out of school hours. 
  • Allow children safe and secure use of the Internet through appropriate filtering, monitoring, supervision and by fostering a responsible attitude in all pupils.
  • Tell an adult if I have any worries or concerns  
  • Support my child with home learning that is set, including reading and will engage in all learning opportunities the school provides. 
  • We will work with outside agencies to ensure we get the best possible support for your child.
  • Taking care of the school and everyone’s property. 
  • Participate in parent/teacher meetings to discuss my child’s progress. 
  • Be open and welcoming and provide opportunities for you to become involved in the life of the school. 
  • Promptly inform the school of any concerns or problems that may affect my child’s happiness, learning or behaviour. 
  • Support school in the teaching of safe and secure Internet use at home. 

Great Horwood Home-School Partnership Agreement