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Great Horwood Church of England School Where children play, learn and grow together

Learning at Home

How will my homework be set?


In Hawthorns Class, we use Google Classroom to set all of our homework. You will also have a pink homework book and this is where you will complete the tasks that have been set for you. Homework is handed out on a Wednesday and is due to following Wednesday. 


If incomplete, you will have the chance to bring your homework in on the Thursday. If this is not handed in by Thursday, you will be asked to complete the missed homework during your break time.

Do we have reading records?


Yes, you will have been given a reading record at the start of the term. This needs to be completed daily to show your reading. Your adult must also sign this to show you have read and Mrs Barnes will check this on a Monday. If you read all week you can earn yourself 1 Class Dojo point and if you read over the weekend Friday-Monday you can also gain an additional point.

Times Table Rockstars


At Great Horwood, we use TT Rockstars to help us with our times tables. Children are expected to complete a minimum of 30 minutes a week on this from home. This can be in any form of game on the site, as long as you are developing your times table knowledge. 

You will have been given your log in information in class, but please do drop us an email if you need it to be resent! 😊

What can I use to help me at home?


Here are a list of some useful websites you can use to help you when learning at home.

Year 6 SATs CPG 2024-2025 Revision Timetable
